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Descripción editorial de las publicaciones periódicas (PP) clasificadas por SIIC Data Bases con elevados índices de consulta entre nuestros colaboradores y lectores.

Las colecciones en papel integran el acervo de la Biblioteca Biomédica SIIC a partir de los años que en cada revista se indica a continuación de las siglas BB SIIC.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V  W

Eating and Weight Disorders
Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 06/2005-
Editor-in-Chief: Massimo Cuzzolaro,M.D.
"Eating and Weight Disorders- Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity" is a scientific journal whose main purpose is to create an international forumdevoted to the several sectors of eating disorders and obesity and the significantrelation between them, a subject of great topicality and continually expanding.The intended result is a collection of contributions from the disciplinesthat deal with these disorders so as to build up an integrated body of knowledgeand promote a closer cultural uniformity between those who investigate and treat eating behaviour patterns and those who undertake similar studiesof obesity. Leading international researches, clinicians and teachers engagedin this area have agreed to serve on the editorial board of this quarterly.Its first number appeared at the end of 1996. Through the publication of clinical and experimental studies and the provision of the special sections,discussions and reviews of new treatises, the journal will form a livelyand indispensable tool for those concerned with common, specific problemsrelating to the causes, epidemiology, treatment and prevention of eating disorders and obesity. It is covered in Index Medicus and MEDLINE, fromApril 2002 in PsycINFO and SIIC Data Bases.




Ecology of Food and Nutrition

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor: Peter L. Pellett, Department of Nutrition, College of Food and Natural Resources, University of Massachusetts, MA 01003 USA
Ecology of Food and Nutrition
is an international journal of the nutritional sciences in the broadest sense. It emphasizes foods and food systems and their utilization to satisfy human nutritional needs, but it also examines nonfood factors that contribute to the spectrum of nutritional conditions, such as obesity and leanness, malnutrition vitamin requirements and mineral needs. The content scope is thus wide; articles may consider dietary and nutritional status issues arising from cultural prohibitions, traditional usages, and problems of marketing and transportation. Food nutrients and toxicants, additives and food quality are also topics considered, as are ethnobotany, agriculture and development.
Many of the journal's contributors are trained in nutrition, nutritional science and food technology, but the behavioral and social sciences, including psychology, geography and economics, are also represented, as are the food industry and its critics.
The perspective of the journal is ecological and holistic in its treatment of food and nutrition issues, and represents a wide range of disciplines, separately or combined.
The Institute of Scientific Information Journal Citations Report for 2002 ranks Ecology of Food and Nutrition 45th out of 50 journals in Nutrition & Dietetics (Social Science), with an impact factor of 0.215.
Abstracted/Indexed in: Science Citation Index, SciSearch, ISI Alerting Services, Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences, CAB Abstracts, Anthropological Index Online, CAB International, Current Medical Literature, SIIC Data Bases.



Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 06/2006-
Editor: Irena Twardowska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland and Jan Dlugosz University, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety is focused on the integrated mechanistic research on short- and long-term pathways and interactions of substances and chemical mixtures in the environmental compartments; on bioavailability; circulation and assimilation in the target organisms, their biological response and damage mechanisms (endocrine disruption, genotoxicity), as well as on a further fate in the food chain including humans. Novel technologies, techniques and methods such as the biomedical photonic technologies, biomarkers, biosensors and bioanalytical systems, QSARs and QSPRs, advanced high-performance computational methods, models and storage systems, and their applications in the obtaining and processing of interdisciplinary ecotoxicological information, are also addressed in the journal. We welcome the applied outcome of the complex ecotoxicological research such as developing the science-based Environmental Quality Criteria (EQC), standard toxicity tests, techniques and methods for ecotoxicological evaluation of the environment, as well as developing ecotoxicologically proven methods and technologies for prevention, interception and remediation of human-induced damage to ecosystems. The above scope of the Journal is aimed on providing science-based tools for sustainable managing the environment: risk assessment, risk characterization, risk prediction and risk management.Progress in the Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety is reflected in the review section presenting, summarizing and analyzing state-of-the-art within the scope and aims of the Journal.
Short solicited book reviews, advertisements and announcements of events (symposia, conferences, workshops) of general interest to researchers involved in ecotoxicology are also welcome.
Abstracting/ indexing MEDLINE®SIIC-Data bases




Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice (EfH)

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 03/2005-
Editor: Professor Ronald Richards, Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health, Chicago, USA
Education for Health: change in learning and practice is designed to be of interest and help to all educators and educational administrators who are striving to bring about constructive changes in health professions education so as to produce competent professionals who are community-minded and committed to providing high quality, humane health care for everyone. Education for Health, formerly Annals of Community-Oriented Education, is unique. It addresses education in all the health care professions, and is truly international in its content and concerns. The journal has subscribers in well over sixty countries.
We invite reports on qualitative and quantitative research that can inform educational practice. We also invite thoughtful analyses, innovative ideas, and conceptual statements that may not necessarily be the product of research but which have implications for the decision-making of teachers and educational leaders.
We seek manuscripts that focus on one or more of the following areas: (1) the process of achieving constructive and lasting change/innovation in health professions education; (2) educational programs that help learners be responsive to the needs and characteristics of their surrounding communities; (3) the interdependency of education and practice; (4) interprofessional education and collaboration; (5) preparing health professionals for providing the highest quality primary care; (6) contributions from and for health professions educators who work in the developing parts of the world.
Abstracting Information: Education for Health is covered by the Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), Australian Education Index (AEI), British Education Index, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EBSCO Online, Educational Research Abstracts online (ERA), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, ERIC, Family Index Database, Current Index to Journals in Higher Education (CIJE), Index Medicus/MEDLINE, INFORCYT, PsychINFO, Research in Higher Education Abstracts, National Database for Research into International Education (NDRI), SIIC Data Bases and Sociological Abstracts.



Emerging Infectious Diseases

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor-in-Chief: D. Peter Drotman, MD, MPH
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Emerging Infectious Diseases is published monthly by the National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Impact Factor (ISI Citation Reports, 2003)
*Ranking in infectious diseases category: 4 of 41 infectious disease journals
*Ranking in Immunology category: 16 of 119
Emerging Infectious Diseases is indexed in Index Medicus/Medline, Current Contents, Exerpta Medica, and other databases.
*Emerging Infectious Diseases Receives more than 1,100 manuscripts per year (most unsolicited, some invited) from authors around the world.
*Approximately 1/3 of submitted articles are accepted, 1/3 are rejected, 1/3 are accepted after substantial revision
*23,000 subscribers to print version (6,000 outside the United States)
*22,000 subscribers to electronic version
*The journal site receives hundreds of thousands of hits per month (CDC Web Statistics)
Emerging Infectious Diseases is indexed in Index Medicus/Medline, Current Contents, Exerpta Medica, and SIIC Data Bases.



Endocrine Reviews

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor-in-Chief: E. Brad Thompson, M.D 
Endocrine Reviews publishes bimonthly comprehensive, authoritative, and timely review articles balancing both experimental and clinical endocrinology themes and crystallizing the most significant clinical experience and current research in endocrinology and related areas such as cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience, reproductive medicine, and pediatric endocrinology. In 2002, Endocrine Reviews had the highest ISI Impact Factor ranking of the 88 journals in the ISI category of Endocrinology and Metabolism: 21.643. Of the 5876 journals surveyed by ISI, EDRV's ranking is 19.
Indexed by EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Current Contents, Index Medicus, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, BIOSIS, and SIIC Data Bases.




BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor-in-Chief: Jeffrey S. Pessin, Ph.D.
Endocrinology, the Society's oldest journal, has defined the science of endocrinology for most of the twentieth century. One of the most authoritative biomedical research journals in the world, it publishes 6,000 pages annually of the highest quality original work ranging from subcellular mechanisms to whole animal physiology. Topics include bone and mineral; growth factors; reproductive/steroids; neuroendocrinology/signal transduction; thyroid; and physiology. The low manuscript acceptance rate of 30% reflects the degree to which it is committed to the highest scientific standard. In 2002, Endocrinology ranked 15th out of 88 journals in the ISI category of Endocrinology and Metabolism, with an Impact Factor of 5.095 (overall ranking: 249rd out of 5876). Published monthly.
Indexed by BIOSIS, Current Contents, Index Medicus, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, National Biological Service, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica and SIIC Data Bases



Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 06/2006-
C. H. Ward, Rice University

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is an international journal dedicated to furthering scientific knowledge and disseminating information on environmental toxicology and chemistry, including the application of these sciences to risk assessment.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is indexed and abstracted in: Abstract Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Science and Technology (PAPERCHEM), Bibliography and Index of Geology (GEOREF), Bibliography of Agriculture (AGRICOLA), Biology Digest, BIOSIS Database, CAB International, several Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (including Ecology Abstracts, Nematological Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, Risk Abstracts), Chemical Abstracts Service, Chemical Titles, Current Contents ASC, Current Contents/Agri Bio Env Sci, DCPF Abstracts Journal (PESTDOC), Engineering Index (COMPENDEXPLUS), Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, Environmental Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, FISHLIT/Fisheries Review, Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA), INIS Atomindex (INIS), Science Citation Index, ISI/Geo Sci Tech, SIIC Data Bases, SCISEARCH Data, Wildlife Review




Epidemiology & Infection

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Edited by Norman Noah
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Epidemiology and Infection publishes original reports and reviews on all aspects of infection in man and animals. Particular emphasis is given to the epidemiology, prevention and control of infectious diseases.The field covered is broad and includes the zoonoses, tropical infections, food hygiene, vaccine studies, statistics and the clinical, social and public health aspects of infectious disease. Papers covering microbiology and immunology which have an epidemiological relevance are part of this broad field. Papers come from medical and veterinary scientists worldwide. It has become the key periodical in which to find the latest reports on recently discovered infections and new technology. For those concerned with policy and planning for the control of infections the papers on mathematical modelling of epidemics caused by historical, current and emergent infections will be of particular value.
Indexed in all major databases and SIIC Data Bases.



Ethnicity & Disease

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
Editor-in-Chief: Keith C. Norris, MD
Los Angeles, Calif. USA

Ethnicity & Disease is an international journal on ethnic minority population differences in disease patterns. The journal provides a comprehensive source of information on the causal relationships in the etiology of common illnesses through the study of ethnic patterns of disease. Sponsored by ISHIB, the broadly multidisciplinary journal draws from research in epidemiology, genetics, health services, social biology, and anthropology.
The journal's subscribers are physicians, medical researchers and other healthcare providers who treat patients and conduct research in the United States and abroad. The controlled circulation includes library subscriptions to medical and other institutions of higher education. Distributed 4 times a year, Ethnicity & Disease has taken its place in medical research to advance the body of knowledge related to health disparities among ethnic populations.
Ethnicity & Disease is abstracted/indexed in Index Medicus, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, Cambrige Scientific Abstracts, SIIC Data Bases, and e-psyche.



European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Official Organ of the German Society for Biological Psychiatry

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Managing Editors
Prof. Dr. H.-J. Möller (Psychiatrische Klinik der Universität München)
Prof. Dr. J.F.W. Deakin (Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit, Stopford Building,Manchester, UK)
Prof. Dr. W.F. Gattaz (Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo)

The original papers published in the European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience deal with all aspects of psychiatry and related clinical neuroscience.
Clinical psychiatry, psychopathology, epidemiology as well as brain imaging, neuropathological, neurophysiological, neurochemical and moleculargenetic studies of psychiatric disorders are among the topics covered.
Thus both the clinician and the neuroscientist are provided with a handy source of information on important scientific developments.
Fields of interest: Psychiatry (psychopathology, clinical psychiatry, epidemiology, genetics), neurological sciences (neuropathology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropsychology, neurology, neurosurgery).
Indexed in Current Contents, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, Index Medicus, EMBASE and SIIC Data Bases.




European Cytokine Network
Official journal of the European Cytokine Society

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 01/2005-
Editors: Didier Fradelizi, Jacques Bertoglio
The journal covering all the disciplines related to cytokines.
European Cytokine Network establishes an essential link between researchers and physicians interested in this subject at the forefront of research.
Thanks to its speed of publication and international circulation, European Cytokine Network has become the journal of choice for all specialists in the field.
The online version of European Cytokine Network is now available,
offering four years of archives that can be accessed by pay per view or by subscription.
The journal is indexed in Medline and Current Contents and is now internationally recognized as the best publication on cytokines.
Indexing: Index Medicus, Medline, Medlars, PubMed, Current Contents, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Citation Index, SciSearch, Research Alert, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, CABS, Pascal, SIIC Data Bases.



European Heart Journal European Heart Journal
Official Journal of the European Society of Cardiology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 01/2004-
Editor-in-Chief: F. Van de Werf
The European Heart Journal is an international, English-language, peer-reviewed journal dealing with Cardiovascular Medicine. Is published twice monthly.
The European Heart Journal aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews. In addition it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine, including education issues.
Abstracting/indexing in Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Index Medicus,
Medical Documentation Service, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, Scisearch, SIIC Data Bases



European Journal of Biochemistry
Published on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
The FEBS Journal
Edited by: Richard Perham
The European Journal of Biochemistry is an international journal devoted to the rapid publication of full-length papers describing original research in all areas of biology susceptible to a molecular approach, as outlined further below. Preference is given to papers that advance new concepts or develop new experimental techniques. Papers should be clearly written for a general audience in a way that draws attention to their novelty and significance; work that is incomplete, inconclusive or merely confirmatory will not be published.
The Journal also publishes reviews and minireviews on a wide range of topics, which may be solicited or submitted. Authors may request special priority handling by the Editorial Office for papers of shorter length that describe results of wide significance and importance.
EJB is a FEBS journal, published on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies by Blackwell Publishing. 
ISI Ranking: 2001: 101/308 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology); Impact Factor 2.849
Indexed/Abstracted in:
ADONIS, Biological and Agricultural Index, Biosis, CAS, ISI (Current Contents), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, INIS, Medlars, Medline, Physics Briefs, SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Cancer
Official Journal of EORTC, ESO, EACR, FECS and EUSOMA.

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 06/2005-
Editor-in-Chief: John Smyth
The European Journal of Cancer (including EJC Supplements), is an international comprehensive oncology journal that publishes original research, editorial comments, review articles and news on experimental oncology, clinical oncology (medical, paediatric, radiation, surgical), and on cancer epidemiology and prevention.
Official Journal of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the European School of Oncology (ESO), the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), the Federation of European Cancer Societies (FECS) and the European Society of Mastology (EUSOMA).
Supplements to theEuropean Journal of Cancer are published under the title EJC Supplements (ISSN 1359-6349). All subscribers to European Journal of Cancer automatically receive this publication.
Audience: Experimental oncologists, clinical oncologists (medical, paediatric, radiation, surgical), cancer epidemiologists.
Abstracting/ indexing: BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, MEDLINE®, PASCAL/CNRS, Reference Update, Science Citation Index, Scopus, UMI Microfilms, SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Official Journal of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 11/2003-
Editor-in-Chief: L. von Segesser
The primary aim of the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery is to provide a medium for the publication of high-quality original scientific reports documenting progress in cardiac and thoracic surgery. The journal publishes reports of significant clinical and experimental advances related to surgery of the heart, the great vessels and the chest. Special emphasis is placed on contribution from the European countries. The journal is supported by a number of leading European societies.
The European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery welcomes original articles, editorials, case reports, how-to-do-it reports, reviews, Images in cardio-thoracic Surgery, and Letters to the Editor. Papers are submitted to a peer review by the members of Editorial and Advisory Board and by other invited reviewers. Selected papers from the annual meetings of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery are printed in the journal.
Audience: Cardiac and thoracic surgeons, cardiac and pulmonary physiologists, cardiothoracic anesthesiologists, cardiac and pulmonary anatomists and pathologists, cardiologists, pulmonary physicians
Abstracting/ indexing: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Medline, EMBASE
, SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care
Official Journal of the European Society of Contraception

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 02/2004-
Editor: Prof G. Creatsas
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care
publishes original peer-reviewed research papers as well as review papers and other appropriate educational material.

The Editors welcome submissions from members of the European Society of Contraception and also from non-members anywhere in the world.
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care is abstracted in: Family Index Database, Index Medicus/Medline, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Chemical Abstracts and Current Contents, ISI Science Citation Index and SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Endocrinology
Official journal of the European Federation of Endocrine Societies

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 08/2005-
Chief Editor: Paolo Beck-Peccoz
The journal publishes original research papers, reviews, short communications and case reports within clinical and experimental endocrinology. Invited commentaries also feature regularly. ‘Highlights’ are concise summaries of new breakthroughs. The full text articles are available online free to institutional subscribers of the printed journal.
Indexed in all major databases and SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Heart Failure
Journal of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 11/2005-
Editor-in-Chief: Karl Swedberg
The European Journal of Heart Failure is the International Journal of the European Society of Cardiology dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of heart failure. The Journal publishes reviews and editorials in order to improve the understanding, prevention, investigation and treatment of heart failure. Molecular and cellular biology, pathology, physiology, electrophysiology, pharmacology, as well as the clinical, social and population sciences all form part of the discipline that is heart failure. Accordingly, submission of manuscripts on basic, clinical and population sciences is invited. Original contributions on nursing, care of the elderly, primary care, health economics and other specialist fields related to heart failure are also welcome.
Audience: Clinicians and researchers in cardiology and related fields.
Abstracting/ indexing Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, MEDLINE®, Scopus, SIIC Data Bases



European Journal of Ophthalmology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 06/2006-
Editor-in-Chief: Rosario Brancato,
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences - University Hospital San Raffaele - Milano; Director of the School of Ophthalmology
The European Journal of Ophthalmology is a peer-reviewed scientific publication issued 6 times per year. It was founded in 1991 to publish manuscripts directed to ophthalmologists and visual science specialists describing clinical investigations, clinical observations, relevant clinical laboratory investigations. The European Journal of Ophthalmology is affiliated to: The Italian Society of Ophthalmology (SOI), EASD - Eye Complications Study Group
And indexed in:
CURRENT CONTENTS®/Clinical Medicine
Science Citation Index®
Expanded ISI® Alerting Services sm
Index Medicus®/MEDLINE®
EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
Ocular Resources Computer-Scan
Pascal Data Base of INIST
SIIC Data Bases



European Journal of Pain
The Official Journal of the European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Fernando Cervero
Departamento de Fisiologia, Edificio de Medicina, Universidad de Alcala, Madrid, España.
The European Journal of Pain is a multi-disciplinary international journal on all major aspects of pain and its management. The journal differs from other pain journals in its clinical and educational emphasis, in addition to its stress on high quality basic science. Submissions from all over the world are welcome.
Under the guidance of an international multi-disciplinary Editorial Board, the journal publishes articles on clinical and basic research relevant to all medical specialities that touch on acute and chronic pain.
European Journal of Pain
is covered by Medline, Index Medicus, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, ISI Alerting Service, Neuroscience Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts and SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology
The post-graduate journal of the Euro Society for Pediatric Dermatology and the official bulletin of the association “Dermatologia Pediatrica”

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003-
The European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology was founded in 1991 as a direct descendant of Pediatric Dermatology News. The latter first appeared in 1982.
The European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology is the post-graduate journal of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology and the official bulletin of the association “Dermatologia Pediatrica”.
The European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology publishes original reports referring to children’s skin diseases.
It also publishes in each issue, starting from vol. 3, n. 1, 1993 a chapter of a book of “Practical Pediatric Dermatology”. This initiative is directed to the general pediatrician and dermatologist. Its aim is to treat the practical problems of Pediatric Dermatology in a simple and exhaustive way. These problems will be dealt with from the point of view of the physician who in her/his infirmary faces a child with cutaneous problems such as pruritus, a spot or a localized alopecia.
Starting from these symptoms and signs, a complete treatment of all the skin diseases responsible for these clinical features will follow. The treatment will privilege the criteria necessary to reach a correct diagnosis and therapy, with ample space given to color images, necessary for communicating in this scientific branch. The final aim is to give the reader a text which is easy to consult and able to help her/him in the interpretation and therapy of the daily infantile skin disorders of out-patients.
Covered by: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica from 1994 and SIIC Data Bases.



European Journal of Radiology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editor-in-Chief: H. Imhof 
The European Journal of Radiology (EJR) is an international journal which acts as a medium for the exchange of information on the use of radiological and allied imaging and interventional techniques. This also includes information on socio-economics and departmental management. By means of a thematic approach and review and tutorial articles, EJR aims to be a forum for all those who are directly or indirectly involved with actual developments and trends in the various areas of radiology and medical imaging. 
Audience: Radiologists and allied specialtists.
Abstracting/ indexing:BIOSIS, Current Contents/Current Contents Search, EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, Index Medicus, Radiology Index, Science Citation Index and SIIC Data Bases. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journalabstracting.cws_home/506039/abstracting#abstracting



European Neuropsychopharmacology
The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2004-
Editors-in-Chief: J. van Ree, S. Montgomery
European Neuropsychopharmacology provides a medium for the prompt publication of articles in the field of neuropsychopharmacology. Its scope encompasses clinical and basic research relevant to the effects of centrally acting agents in its broadest sense.
Audience: Neuropsychopharmacologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioural pharmacologists.
Abstracting/ indexing: BIOSIS, CAS, Current Contents/Life Sciences, E-psyche, EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, Index Medicus, Medline, PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts, PubMed, SIIC Data Bases and Science Citation Index.



European Respiratory Journal
The Official Journal of  the European Respiratory Society

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 1989-
Editors in Chief: Peter J. Sterk and Klaus F. Rabe
The ERJ is the official Journal of  the European Respiratory Society. Published in the English language, it features cutting edge clinical and experimental work in the field of respiratory medicine. It is the most highly regarded, peer reviewed, Respiratory Journal in Europe. It includes original articles, series, editorials, correspondence, short reports and case studies of the highest quality from professionals on a worldwide scale.
The Journal is published monthly. Twelve issues are published annually in two volumes of six issues each. Members of the ERS receive the Journal as part of their membership. Subscribers will receive any supplements to the Journal free of charge. Library subscriptions are also available.
Become a member of the ERS and Subscribe to the Journal.
This Journal is abstracted/indexed in: Ad Referendum, ADONIS, Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents: Life Sciences; Clinical Medicine, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Medical Documentation Service, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch and SIIC Data Bases



European Urology European Urology
Official Journal of the European Association of Urology

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 2003 -
Editor-in-Chief: C.C. Schulman, Brussels
As of January 2002, Elsevier Science is the publisher of European Urology, the official journal of the European Association of Urology.
European Urology continues to publish peer-reviewed original articles and topical reviews on a wide range of urological problems. Topics as oncology, impotence, infertility, pediatrics, lithiasis and endourology, as well as recent advances in techniques, instrumentation, surgery and pediatric urology, will provide readers with a complete guide to international developments in urology. Published monthly, European Urology is an important journal for all clinicians and researchers in this field.
All members of the European Association of Urology continue to receive the journal as a benefit of their membership.
For more information on the European Association of Urology, please go to:
Indexing: EMBASE, Elsevier BIOBASE, MEDLINE, SIIC Data Bases.



Experimental Oncology
Founded by R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

BB SIIC. Ingreso: 12/2003-
Editor-in-Chief: V.F. Chekhun
RE Kavetsky Institute of Exp Pathol Oncol Radiobiol, Kyiv, Ukraine

Experimental Oncology
(ISSN 0204-3564) was founded in 1979 and now many people are reading and citing articles within the Journal. Experimental Oncology is an international multidisciplinary journal which provides for rapid publication of full-length articles, reviews and short communications presenting new data in the field of experimental and clinical oncology. There is also an opportunity to comment through letters to the Editor.
The journal is published quarterly, with one volume per annum, by R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology under the aegis of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ukrainian Section of the European Institute of Ecology and Cancer. Only the highest quality original papers are selected for publication.
Experimental Oncology is indexed or abstracted in: Current Contents/Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, BIOSIS, SUBIS, IBIDS and SIIC Data Bases.


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