chriluc.gif Luc Christiaens
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Doctor. Cardiology., Poitiers, Francia
Columnista Experta de SIIC Luc Christiaens en colaboración con Laurent Macchi. , Medicine doctor. Service d'Hématologie Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Poitiers France

Primera edición en siicsalud: 19 de mayo, 2004
Sección Artículos originales, subsección Expertos de Iberoamérica,
página /des/expertocompleto.php/66072  
Especialidad principal: Especialidad principalCardiología

Especialidades relacionadas:
Cirugía,Hematología,Medicina Interna,

  • N Sorel, S Brabant, L Christiaens, A Brizard, G Mauco, L Macchi. A rapid and specific whole blood HPA-1 phenotyping by flow cytometry using two commercialized monoclonal antibodies directed against GP IIIa and GP IIb-IIIa complexes., British Journal of Haematology 124:221-223

  • L Christiaens, L Macchi, D Herpin, D Coisne, C Duplantier, J Allal, G Mauco, A Brizard. Resistance to aspirin in vitro at rest and during exercise in patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease., Thrombosis Research 108:108-115

  • Macchi L, Christiaens L, Brabant S, Sorel N, Ragot S, Allal J, Mauco G, Brizard A.. Resistance in vitro to low-dose aspirin is associated with platelet PlA1 (GP IIIa) polymorphism but not with C807T (GP Ia/IIa) and C-5T Kozak (GP Ib) polymorphisms, Journal of American College of Cardiology 42:1115-1119

  • L Macchi, L Christiaens, S Brabant, N Sorel, J Allal, G Mauco, A Brizard Resistance to aspirin in vitro is associated with increased platelet sensitivity to adenosine diphosphate., Thrombosis Research 107:45-49

  • L Macchi, N Sorel, S Brabant, L Christiaens, G Mauco. 2002 ;88(2) :368. Relationship between C-5T Kozak, C807T genotypes and expression of glycoproteins Ib alpha and Ia-IIa at platelet surface : from genotype to phenotype, Thrombosis Haemostasis 88(88):368-368

  • L Christiaens, L Macchi, C Duplantier, J Allal, A Brizard, R Barraine et D Coisne. Polymorphisme plaquettaire et coronaropathies, Archives des Maladies du Cœur 94:173-178

  • Luc Christiaens
