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Ej.1: Adipokines Ej.2: Adipokines or Musculoskeletal
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Ej.3: Adipokines and Cardiovascular Systems
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Ej.4: Adipokines and Cardiovascular and Systems
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Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences

Hemodynamics and arrhythmia disorder caused by lithium poisoning

Hemodynamics and arrhythmia disorder caused by lithium poisoning

Fuente:Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical Sciences

Tipo de trabajo:Caso clínico

Extracto: It is necessary for clinicians to strengthen the prevention and recognition of lithium poisoning.

Claves:bipolar affective disorder, cardiac arrhythmia, lithium carbonate, lithium intoxication, sinus node dysfunction

Cita:Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2024 Jan 28; 49 (1) : 153-158.

Autor/es:Wang, Yujue (a)
Ouyang, Lijun (b)

institución:(a) Department of Psychiatry, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University; National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders; Hunan Key Laboratory of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Changsha 410011. wangyujue0906@163.com.
(b) Department of Psychiatry, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University; National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders; Hunan Key Laboratory of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Changsha 410011.


Formato:Informe impreso

Idioma:eng, chi

País de fuente:China

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2024.230367

Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. 1993)

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. 1993)

Relationship between triglyceride-glucose index and new-onset hypertension in general population-a systemic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.

Relationship between triglyceride-glucose index and new-onset hypertension in general population-a systemic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.

Fuente:Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (new York, N.y. 1993)

Tipo de trabajo:Metanálisis

Extracto: Elevated TyG index significantly increased the risk of new-onset hypertension in the general population. It is necessary to conduct the research to clarify the probable pathogenic processes underpinning the link between the TyG index and hypertension.

Claves:Hypertension, cohort studies, insulin resistance, meta-analysis, triglyceride-glucose index

Cita:Clin Exp Hypertens 2024 Dec 31; 46 (1) : 2341631.

Autor/es:Yang, Changqiang (a)
Song, Yue (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, P.R. China.
(b) Key Laboratory of Aging and Vascular Homeostasis of Sichuan Higher Education Institutes, Chengdu, China.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10641963.2024.2341631

Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)

Perspective: Nutrition Health Disparities Framework: A Model to Advance Health Equity.

Perspective: Nutrition Health Disparities Framework: A Model to Advance Health Equity.

Fuente:Advances in Nutrition (bethesda, Md.)

Extracto: The framework is a useful resource for nutrition researchers, practitioners, food industry leaders, and policymakers interested in improving diet-related health outcomes and promoting health equity in diverse populations.

Claves:Nutrition Health Disparities Framework, diet quality, health equity, social determinants of health, socioecological model

Cita:Adv Nutr 2024 Apr; 15 (4) : 100194.

Autor/es:Agurs-Collins, Tanya (a)
Alvidrez, Jennifer (b)

institución:(a) National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, Bethesda, MD, United States. Electronic address: collinsta@mail.nih.gov.
(b) Office of Disease Prevention, Bethesda, MD, United States.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advnut.2024.100194

International journal of biological sciences

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

International journal of biological sciences

Optogenetic Stimulation of the Cardiac Vagus Nerve to Promote Heart Regenerative Repair after Myocardial Infarction.

Optogenetic Stimulation of the Cardiac Vagus Nerve to Promote Heart Regenerative Repair after Myocardial Infarction.

Fuente:International Journal of Biological Sciences

Extracto: Conclusions: Targeting the cardiac vagus nerve by optogenetic stimulation induced macrophage M2 polarization by activating the IL-10/STAT3 signaling pathway, which obviously optimized the regenerative microenvironment and then improved cardiac function after MI.

Claves:Optogenetic stimulation, cardiac vagal, heart regeneration, myocardial infarction

Cita:Int J Biol Sci 2024; 20 (6) : 2072-2091.

Autor/es:Han, Yuan (a)
Wei, Xiaomin (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiology, State Key Laboratory of Organ Failure Research, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China.
(b) Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Cardiac Function and Microcirculation.

Conflicto:Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Australia

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.7150/ijbs.89883

Annals of global health

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Annals of global health

Health in Persons Deprived of Their Liberty in South America: A Painful Reflection of Our Public Health.

Health in Persons Deprived of Their Liberty in South America: A Painful Reflection of Our Public Health.

Fuente:Annals of Global Health

Extracto: Overcrowding is an unresolved problem; tuberculosis and substance use are the most frequent issues. Data are limited in quality, homogeneity and availability. Greater effort is needed from health authorities to improve health management and information systematization. SOURCE: MesH.

Claves:correctional center, correctional health, human rights protection, illegal substances, prisoners, public health, tuberculosis

Cita:Ann Glob Health 2024; 90 (1) : 29.

Autor/es:correctional center, correctional health, human rights protection, illegal substances, prisoners, public health, tuberculosis

institución:(a) Cesar Vallejo University, Trujillo, Peru.
(b) Internal Medicine, Friendship Hospital Peru Korea Santa Rosa II-2, Piura, Peru.

Conflicto:The author has no competing interests to declare.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/aogh.4171

Journal of nutritional science

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Journal of nutritional science

The assessment of dietary carotenoid intake of the Cardio-Med FFQ using food records and biomarkers in an Australian cardiology cohort: a pilot validation.

The assessment of dietary carotenoid intake of the Cardio-Med FFQ using food records and biomarkers in an Australian cardiology cohort: a pilot validation.

Fuente:Journal of Nutritional Science

Extracto: In conclusion, the CMST-FFQ-v2 measured dietary carotenoids intakes with moderate confidence for most carotenoids, however, there was less confidence in ability to measure α-carotene and lycopene intake, thus further research is warranted using a larger sample.

Claves:Carotenoid biomarkers, Dietary intake assessment, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Validation

Cita:J Nutr Sci 2024; 13 : e20.

Autor/es:Kucianski, Teagan (a)
Mayr, Hannah L (b)

institución:(a) School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, Faculty of Science and Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.
(b) School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, Faculty of Science and Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.


Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jns.2024.6

European journal of histochemistry EJH

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

European journal of histochemistry EJH

Atorvastatin reduces calcification in valve interstitial cells via the NF-?B signalling pathway by promoting Atg5-mediated autophagy.

Atorvastatin reduces calcification in valve interstitial cells via the NF-?B signalling pathway by promoting Atg5-mediated autophagy.

Fuente:European Journal of Histochemistry Ejh

Extracto: In conclusion, atorvastatin inhibited the NF-κB signalling pathway by upregulating autophagy, thereby alleviating valve interstitial cell calcification, which was conducive to improving AVC.

Cita:Eur J Histochem 2024 Apr 12; 68 (2)

Autor/es:Chen, Menghui (a)
Liu, Su (b)

institución:(a) Department of Surgery, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei; Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The Third Hospital of Shijiazhuang, Hebei. cpeb17@163.com.
(b) Department of Surgery, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang; Department of Cardiac Surgery, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei. SuLiu9366@163.com.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Italia

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/ejh.2024.3983

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Predicting the risks of kidney failure and death in adults with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease

Predicting the risks of kidney failure and death in adults with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease

Fuente:Bmj (clinical Research Ed.)

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes

Extracto: KDpredict could be incorporated into electronic medical records or accessed online to accurately predict the risks of kidney failure and death in people with moderate to severe CKD. The KDpredict learning strategy is designed to be adapted to local needs and regularly revised over time to account for changes in the underlying health system and care processes.

Cita:BMJ 2024 Apr 15; 385 : e078063.

Autor/es:Liu, Ping (a)
Sawhney, Simon (b)

institución:(a) Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
(b) Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Conflicto:Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at www.icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest and declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. RQ has... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2023-078063

Texas Heart Institute journal

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Texas Heart Institute journal

Successful Percutaneous Thoracic Duct Embolization for Chylothorax After Total Arch Replacement.

Successful Percutaneous Thoracic Duct Embolization for Chylothorax After Total Arch Replacement.

Fuente:Texas Heart Institute Journal

Extracto: The chylothorax did not recur, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 17.

Claves:Aortic aneurysm, chylothorax, thoracic surgery

Cita:Tex Heart Inst J 2024 Apr 16; 51 (1)

Autor/es:Kitashima, Fumihiro (a)
Shimada, Naohiro (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo West Tokusyukai Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
(b) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo West Tokusyukai Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.14503/THIJ-22-8077

Texas Heart Institute journal

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

Texas Heart Institute journal

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in a Patient With Multivessel Disease and Dextrocardia With Situs Inversus Totalis.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in a Patient With Multivessel Disease and Dextrocardia With Situs Inversus Totalis.

Fuente:Texas Heart Institute Journal

Extracto: This report describes the case management of a high-risk 56-year-old man with dextrocardia who presented with multivessel coronary artery disease.

Claves:Coronary artery bypass, dextrocardia, situs inversus

Cita:Tex Heart Inst J 2024 Apr 16; 51 (1)

Autor/es:Shahani, Rohit (a)
Ahmed, Adham (b)

institución:(a) Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York.
(b) Northwell Health, Staten Island University Hospital Heart Institute, Staten Island, New York.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.14503/THIJ-23-8382

La Pediatria medica e chirurgica Medical and surgical pediatrics

Selección SIIC: 18 Abril, 2024

La Pediatria medica e chirurgica Medical and surgical pediatrics

Dysphagia lusoria caused by aberrant right subclavian artery associated with truncus bicaroticus in an 8-month-old girl. Case report and review of literature.

Dysphagia lusoria caused by aberrant right subclavian artery associated with truncus bicaroticus in an 8-month-old girl. Case report and review of literature.

Fuente:La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica Medical and Surgical Pediatrics

Extracto: Only an early evaluation may reduce complications such as delayed physical growth, dysphagia, and recurrent respiratory infections.

Cita:Pediatr Med Chir 2024 Apr 16; 46 (1)

Autor/es:Bizhga, Melpomeni (a)
Velmishi, Virtut (b)

institución:(a) Service of Pediatric Pneumology, Mother Teresa Hospital, Tirana. melpomenibizhga@yahoo.com.
(b) Service of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Mother Teresa Hospital, Tirana. tutimodh@yahoo.com.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Italia

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/pmc.2024.332

Frontiers in public health
Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024
Frontiers in public health

Effects of message framing and risk perception on health communication for optimum cardiovascular disease primary prevention: a protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled study.

Effects of message framing and risk perception on health communication for optimum cardiovascular disease primary prevention: a protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled study.

Fuente:Frontiers in Public Health

Tipo de trabajo:Guía

Extracto: DISCUSSION: This experimental study will expect to determine the optimal matching strategy between risk perception subgroups and risk information format, and it has the potential to offer health providers in community or clinic settings a dependable and efficient health communication information template for conducting CVD risk management.Clinical trial registration: https://www.chictr.org.cn/bin/project/edit?pid=207811, ChiCTR2300076337.

Claves:cardiovascular disease, health communication, message framing, primary prevention, randomized controlled trial, risk perception

Cita:Front Public Health 2024; 12 : 1308745.

Autor/es:Guo, Zhiting (a)
Wu, Qunhua (b)

institución:(a) Nursing Department, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (SAHZU), Hangzhou, China.
(b) Faculty of Nursing, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China.

Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Suiza

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1308745

Frontiers in immunology
Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024
Frontiers in immunology

Mitochondrial extracellular vesicles, autoimmunity and myocarditis.

Mitochondrial extracellular vesicles, autoimmunity and myocarditis.

Fuente:Frontiers in Immunology

Extracto: The focus of this review is to summarize current literature regarding the role of viral infection in the production of extracellular vesicles containing mitochondria and virus and the development of myocarditis.

Claves:AIRE, autoimmune disease, coxsackievirus, extracellular vesicles, mitochondria, mitochondrial-derived vesicles, myocarditis

Cita:Front Immunol 2024; 15 : 1374796.

Autor/es:Di Florio, Damian N (a)
Beetler, Danielle J (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
(b) Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States.

Conflicto:The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. The author(s) declared that they were an editorial board member of Frontiers, at the time of submission. This had no impact on the peer review process and the final decision.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Suiza

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1374796

Journal of medical Internet research
Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024
Journal of medical Internet research

Medical Misinformation in Polish on the World Wide Web During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Infodemiology Study.

Medical Misinformation in Polish on the World Wide Web During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Infodemiology Study.

Fuente:Journal of Medical Internet Research

Extracto: Efforts undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic to curb the dissemination of misinformation seem to have yielded positive results. Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that these interventions need to be consistently implemented across both established and emerging medical subjects. It appears that as interest in the pandemic waned, other topics gained prominence, essentially "filling the vacuum" and necessitating ongoing measures to address misinformation across a broader spectrum of health-related subjects.

Claves:EBM, credibility, credible, disinformation, evidence based medicine, fake news, false, health information, infodemic, infodemiology, information credibility, information quality, infoveillance, misinformation, online health information, online information

Cita:J Med Internet Res 2024 Mar 29; 26 : e48130.

Autor/es:Chlabicz, Małgorzata (a)
Nabożny, Aleksandra (b)

institución:(a) Department of Population Medicine and Lifestyle Diseases Prevention, Medical University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland.
(b) Department of Invasive Cardiology, Medical University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Canadá

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/48130

PloS one
Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024
PloS one

Seasonal and sex-related variation in vitamin D status and its association with other biochemical markers in young individuals: A cross-sectional study.

Seasonal and sex-related variation in vitamin D status and its association with other biochemical markers in young individuals: A cross-sectional study.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: This study found a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency among young individuals living in Brasília, Brazil, particularly women and during the spring season. Our findings suggest that lower 25(OH)D levels (≤29.9 ng/mL) may be associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in young men studied. However, further studies with larger representative samples are needed to explore the mechanisms underlying the association between vitamin D and biochemical parameters.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0298862.

Autor/es:Mendes, Marcela Moraes (a)
Araújo, Maísa Miranda (b)

institución:(a) Department of Nutrition, Graduate Program in Human Nutrition, University of Brasilia, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil.
(b) Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University of Goias, Goiania/GO, Brazil.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0298862

Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024

Retrospective analysis of percutaneous intervention of the renal artery in transplanted kidneys in children and adolescents at a tertiary public hospital.

Retrospective analysis of percutaneous intervention of the renal artery in transplanted kidneys in children and adolescents at a tertiary public hospital.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: TRAS treatment with stenting can be considered for children and adolescents. Because the sample in the present study comprised of only a specific population, further studies are needed for generalization. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial was registered at clinictrials.gov with trial registration number NCT04225338.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0297975.

Autor/es:Faccinetto, Ana Carolina Buso (a)
Santos, Gustavo Rocha Feitosa (b)

institución:(a) Department of Medicine, Cardiology Division, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
(b) Department of Medicine, Cardiology Division, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0297975

Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024

'The illness isn't the end of the road'-Patient perspectives on the initiation of and early participation in a multi-disease, community-based exercise programme.

'The illness isn't the end of the road'-Patient perspectives on the initiation of and early participation in a multi-disease, community-based exercise programme.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: Participation in a MCEP by individuals with CVD could be viewed as a double-edged sword. Whilst the programme clearly provided an important transition from the clinical to the community setting, there were signs it may breed dependency and not effectively promote independent exercise. Another novel finding was the use of social comparison that provided favourable valuations of performance and increased exercise confidence.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0291700.

Autor/es:Regan-Moriarty, Joanne (a)
Hardcastle, Sarah (b)

institución:(a) Department of Health and Nutritional Science, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, Ireland.
(b) Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291700

Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024

Longitudinal development and tracking of cardiorespiratory fitness from childhood to adolescence.

Longitudinal development and tracking of cardiorespiratory fitness from childhood to adolescence.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: Age 15 was a critical time point in the development of CRF, with values starting to plateau for girls and decline for boys. The results support early intervention for improved CRF in later years, with interventions targeting all children, regardless of their CRF level.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0299941.

Autor/es:Ingvarsdottir, Thuridur Helga (a)
Johannsson, Erlingur (b)

institución:(a) Center of Sport and Health Sciences, School of Education, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
(b) Center of Sport and Health Sciences, School of Education, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299941

Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024

Responsiveness of respiratory function in Parkinson's Disease to an integrative exercise programme

Responsiveness of respiratory function in Parkinson's Disease to an integrative exercise programme

Fuente:Plos One

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes

Extracto: Significant respiratory dysfunction exists, even in the early stages of PD. Metrics of respiratory muscle strength, peak expiratory flow and cardiovascular fitness appear responsive to an integrative exercise programme.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0301433.

Autor/es:McMahon, Laura (a)
McGrath, Denise (b)

institución:(a) Health Sciences Centre, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
(b) Health Sciences Centre, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0301433

Open heart
Selección SIIC: 4 Abril, 2024
Open heart

Oral anticoagulation therapy initiation in patients with atrial fibrillation in relation to world region of origin: a register-based nationwide study.

Oral anticoagulation therapy initiation in patients with atrial fibrillation in relation to world region of origin: a register-based nationwide study.

Fuente:Open Heart

Tipo de trabajo:Guía

Extracto: Patients with AF with a high risk of stroke of non-Western origin have persistently experienced a lower chance of initiating OAC compared with patients of Danish origin during the last decades.

Claves:Atrial Fibrillation, Epidemiology, Pharmacology

Cita:Open Heart 2024 Mar 29; 11 (1)

Autor/es:Frydenlund, Juliane (a)
Valentin, Jan Brink (b)

institución:(a) Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Gistrup, Denmark julianefrydenlund@rcsi.com.
(b) Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Gistrup, Denmark.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/openhrt-2023-002544

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