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Journal of the American Heart Association
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
Journal of the American Heart Association

Impaired Relaxation in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes with Pathogenic TNNI3 Mutation of Pediatric Restrictive Cardiomyopathy.

Impaired Relaxation in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes with Pathogenic TNNI3 Mutation of Pediatric Restrictive Cardiomyopathy.

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Extracto: Patient-specific iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes could effectively represent the diastolic dysfunction of RCM. Myofibril structures including troponin I remained unaffected in the monolayer culture system, although gene expression profiles associated with cardiac muscle functions were altered.

Claves:cardiomyocytes, diastolic dysfunction, iPSC, isogenic, motion analysis, restrictive cardiomyopathy

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e032375.

Autor/es:Wang, Renjie (a)
Hasegawa, Moyu (b)

institución:(a) Department of Pediatrics Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Osaka Japan.
(b) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Osaka Japan.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.032375

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Long-Term Survival After Single-Ventricle Palliation

Long-Term Survival After Single-Ventricle Palliation

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes

Extracto: This study provides clinically relevant knowledge about the long-term prognosis in patients with different underlying cardiac anomalies undergoing single-ventricle palliation. RV dominance had a significant impact on outcomes after initial surgical treatment but was also associated with impaired survival after completed Fontan circulation. REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT03356574.

Claves:congenital heart disease, functional single ventricle, survival, univentricular, ventricular morphology

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e031722.

Autor/es:Dalén, Magnus (a)
Odermarsky, Michal (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm Sweden.
(b) Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.031722

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Association Between Aortic Wall Parameters on Multidetector Computed Tomography and Ruptured Plaques By Nonobstructive General Angioscopy.

Association Between Aortic Wall Parameters on Multidetector Computed Tomography and Ruptured Plaques By Nonobstructive General Angioscopy.

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Extracto: The presence of NOGA-derived PRs was strongly associated with increased aortic wall thickness, AWA, and AWA in the vascular area, measured using CT. NOGA can detect PRs in the intima that appear almost normal on CT scans.

Claves:NOGA, angioscopy, aortic wall area, aortic wall thickness, plaque ruptures

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e033233.

Autor/es:Miyagawa, Masatsugu (a)
Kojima, Keisuke (b)

institución:(a) Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Nihon University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan.
(b) Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Nihon University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.033233

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering in Individuals With Low Diastolic Blood Pressure and Elevated Troponin Levels in SPRINT.

Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering in Individuals With Low Diastolic Blood Pressure and Elevated Troponin Levels in SPRINT.

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Extracto: In this nonprespecified subgroup analysis of SPRINT, individuals with low DBP and elevated hs-cTnT, low DBP and nonelevated hs-cTnT, and DBP ≥70 mm Hg derived similar cardiovascular disease and mortality benefits from intensive BP lowering. These findings warrant confirmation in other studies.

Claves:J curve, SPRINT, diastolic blood pressure, hypertension, troponin

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e032493.

Autor/es:Smith, Cady (a)
Berry, Jarett D (b)

institución:(a) Department of Internal Medicine University of California Davis Sacramento CA USA.
(b) Department of Internal Medicine University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center Tyler TX USA.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.032493

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Exercise-Dependent Modulation of Immunological Response Pathways in Endurance Athletes With and Without Atrial Fibrillation.

Exercise-Dependent Modulation of Immunological Response Pathways in Endurance Athletes With and Without Atrial Fibrillation.

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Extracto: These findings provide insights into the proteomic response to acute intense exercise, provide mechanistic insights into the pathophysiology behind AF in athletes, and identify targets for future study and validation.

Claves:endurance athletes, exercise, lone atrial fibrillation, proteomics

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e033640.

Autor/es:Dorian, David (a)
Gustafson, Dakota (b)

institución:(a) Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada.
(b) Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.033640

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Associations of Circulating Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 and Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 With Long-Term Cardiac Function.

Associations of Circulating Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 and Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 With Long-Term Cardiac Function.

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Extracto: Higher VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were associated with lower LA function and left ventricular systolic function but were not associated with myocardial scar or interstitial fibrosis. VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 may promote HFpEF and AF risk through impaired LA reservoir function.

Claves:atrial fibrillation, cellular adhesion molecule, heart failure, interstitial fibrosis, left atrial strain, myocardial scar

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e032213.

Autor/es:Mathew, Daniel T (a)
Peigh, Graham (b)

institución:(a) Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago IL.
(b) Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago IL.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.032213

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Impact of Secondary Amenorrhea on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Physically Active Women

Impact of Secondary Amenorrhea on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Physically Active Women

Fuente:Journal of The American Heart Association

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión sistemática

Extracto: Estrogen deficiency resulting from exercise-associated secondary amenorrhea in physically active women may impact cardiovascular physiology and certain CVD risk factors. The research in this area is observational; therefore, findings should be interpreted cautiously. However, as exercise-associated secondary amenorrhea is reversible and the primary prevention of CVD is important for public health, it may be important to treat secondary amenorrhea and restore estrogen levels.

Claves:amenorrhea, cardiovascular disease, endothelial function, exercise, women

Cita:J Am Heart Assoc 2024 Mar 19; 13 (6) : e033154.

Autor/es:Tegg, Nicole L (a)
Myburgh, Caitlynd (b)

institución:(a) Faculty of Nursing University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.
(b) Faculty of Nursing University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.033154

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences

Analysis of orthostatic intolerance symptoms in patients with premature ejaculation.

Analysis of orthostatic intolerance symptoms in patients with premature ejaculation.

Fuente:European Review For Medical and Pharmacological Sciences

Extracto: The orthostatic intolerance symptoms of patients with PE were higher than those of the control group. There was a correlation between the severity of PE and the severity of orthostatic intolerance. This is the first study in the literature to reveal a relationship between orthostatic intolerance and PE.

Cita:Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2024 Mar; 28 (5) : 1931-1936.

Autor/es:Ozilhan, M O (a)
Bulbul, E (b)

institución:Ozilhan, M O (a)
Bulbul, E (b)

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Italia

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.26355/eurrev_202403_35607

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

A rare case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

A rare case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Fuente:European Review For Medical and Pharmacological Sciences

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio clínico aleatorizado

Extracto: Pharmacovigilance and experimental studies are warranted to confirm any causative relationship and to explore the underlying pathophysiology, respectively.

Cita:Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2024 Mar; 28 (5) : 2063-2067.

Autor/es:Fiste, O (a)
Trika, C (b)

institución:Fiste, O (a)
Trika, C (b)

Formato:Informe impreso


País de fuente:Italia

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.26355/eurrev_202403_35619

JAMA network open
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
JAMA network open

Severe Sepsis During Treatment for Childhood Leukemia and Sequelae Among Adult Survivors.

Severe Sepsis During Treatment for Childhood Leukemia and Sequelae Among Adult Survivors.

Fuente:Jama Network Open

Tipo de trabajo:Consenso

Extracto: AND RELEVANCE: In this cohort study of long-term outcomes in survivors of pediatric leukemia, severe sepsis during anticancer therapy for leukemia was associated with a selectively increased risk for development of serious neurocognitive sequelae. Efforts to reduce the effects of anticancer therapy on long-term function and quality of life in survivors might include prevention of severe sepsis during therapy and early detection or amelioration of neurocognitive deficits in survivors of sepsis.

Cita:JAMA Netw Open 2024 Mar 4; 7 (3) : e242727.

Autor/es:Goggin, Kathryn P (a)
Lu, Lu (b)

institución:(a) Department of Infectious Diseases, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.
(b) Now with Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia.

Conflicto:Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Hudson reported receiving grant funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) during the conduct of the study. Dr Krull reported receiving grant funding from the NCI during the conduct of the study. Dr Pui reported receiving grant funding from St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, serving on the data monitoring board of Novartis AG, serving as... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.2727

Journal of patient-reported outcomes
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
Journal of patient-reported outcomes

Development and content validity testing of a colonoscopy-specific patient-reported experience measure: the Patient Experience Colonoscopy Scale (PECS).

Development and content validity testing of a colonoscopy-specific patient-reported experience measure: the Patient Experience Colonoscopy Scale (PECS).

Fuente:Journal of Patient-reported Outcomes

Tipo de trabajo:Revisión

Extracto: The PECS is a new 30-item PREM instrument designed for adult elective colonoscopy patients after they have undergone the procedure. Each item in the PECS derives from a conceptual model based on a systematic literature review. Patients and healthcare professionals were involved in developing the PECS, which measures colonoscopy-specific patient experiences before, during and after the procedure. The content validity testing positively contributed to the development of the PECS. Psychometric properties need to be evaluated further.

Claves:Cognitive interviews, Colonoscopy, Content validity, Content validity index, Face validity, Instrument, Patient experience, Patient-reported experience measure, Quality improvement, Questionnaire

Cita:J Patient Rep Outcomes 2024 Mar 18; 8 (1) : 32.

Autor/es:Rosvall, Annica (a)
Axelsson, Malin (b)

institución:(a) Department of Care Science, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden. annica.rosvall@mau.se.
(b) Department of Care Science, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Alemania

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41687-024-00710-2

PloS one
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
PloS one

Assessing knowledge about hypertension and identifying predictors of inadequate knowledge in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study.

Assessing knowledge about hypertension and identifying predictors of inadequate knowledge in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: Most patients showed inadequate levels of knowledge related to hypertension management. Diet, medical treatment, disease definition, drug compliance, and complications were subsequently the least knowledgeable subdimensions among the study population. Therefore, these subdimensions should be prioritized when planning hypertension educational interventions and during follow-up sessions, especially for patients of younger age groups and those with lower educational levels.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0299745.

Autor/es:Alhazmi, Ajiad (a)
Moafa, Hassan N (b)

institución:(a) Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
(b) Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299745

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Enhanced echocardiographic assessment of intracardiac flow in congenital heart disease.

Enhanced echocardiographic assessment of intracardiac flow in congenital heart disease.

Fuente:Plos One

Extracto: Our study shows that DoVeR is a reliable alternative to 4D flow MRI for quantifying intracardiac hemodynamic parameters in the RV.

Cita:PLoS One 2024; 19 (3) : e0300709.

Autor/es:Meyers, Brett A (a)
Zhang, Jiacheng (b)

institución:(a) School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States of America.
(b) School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States of America.

Conflicto:I have read the journal’s policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following commpeting interests: BAM and PPV have intellectual property filings for each analysis algorithm in the analysis method used in this manuscript. BAM and PPV are involved with Cordian Technologies, a start-up founded by PPV, which licenses the technologies used in this work. YHL receives partial... masnoticias.gif

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:EE.UU.

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300709


Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024


Structural dynamics of the active HER4 and HER2/HER4 complexes is finely tuned by different growth factors and glycosylation.

Structural dynamics of the active HER4 and HER2/HER4 complexes is finely tuned by different growth factors and glycosylation.


Extracto: Our structures also reveal the presence of multiple glycan modifications within HER4 ectodomains, modeled for the first time in HER receptors, that distinctively contribute to the stabilization of HER4 homodimer interfaces over those of HER2/HER4 heterodimers.

Claves:HER receptors, cancer biology, dimerization, growth factors, human, membrane signaling, molecular biophysics, receptor tyrosine kinases, structural biology

Cita:Elife 2024 Mar 18; 12

Autor/es:Trenker, Raphael (a)
Diwanji, Devan (b)

institución:(a) Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, United States.
(b) Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, United States.

Conflicto:RT, DD, TB, KV No competing interests declared, NJ Reviewing editor, eLife

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.92873

Scientific reports
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
Scientific reports

Multi-omics pan-cancer analyses identify MCM4 as a promising prognostic and diagnostic biomarker.

Multi-omics pan-cancer analyses identify MCM4 as a promising prognostic and diagnostic biomarker.

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Extracto: Our research demonstrates that MCM4 is closely associated with the oncogenesis, prognosis and diagnosis of various tumors and proposes that MCM4 may function as a potential biomarker in pan-cancer, providing a deeper understanding of its potential role in cancer development and treatment.

Claves:Bioinformatics, Biomarker, Immune infiltration, MCM4, Multi-omics, Pan-cancer, Prognosis

Cita:Sci Rep 2024 Mar 18; 14 (1) : 6517.

Autor/es:Li, Yanxing (a)
Gao, Wentao (b)

institución:(a) Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi'an, 710000, Shaanxi, People's Republic of China.
(b) Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi'an, 710000, Shaanxi, People's Republic of China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-57299-1

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis reduced the frequency of intradialytic hypotension.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis reduced the frequency of intradialytic hypotension.

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Extracto: The result suggested that severe AS was the major cause of IDH in this cohort, and TAVR may be an effective treatment option for reduction of the frequency of IDH in patients with severe AS.

Cita:Sci Rep 2024 Mar 18; 14 (1) : 6479.

Autor/es:Saigan, Makoto (a)
Miyasaka, Masaki (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. makoto.med.010203@gmail.com.
(b) Department of Cardiology, Sendai Kousei Hospital, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

Conflicto:Norio Tada received lecture fees from Edwards Life science. The other authors have no conflict of interest. Norio Tada is a clinical proctor of Edwards Life science.

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-57213-9

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Association between systemic sclerosis and risk of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease

Association between systemic sclerosis and risk of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Tipo de trabajo:Metanálisis

Extracto: These findings highlight the importance of vasculopathy in SSc and suggest the need for enhanced clinical monitoring and preventive measures in this high-risk population.

Claves:Cardiovascular disease, Myocardial infarction, Stroke, Systemic sclerosis, Vasculopathy

Cita:Sci Rep 2024 Mar 18; 14 (1) : 6445.

Autor/es:Chen, I-Wen (a)
Wang, Wei-Ting (b)

institución:(a) Department of Anesthesiology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Tainan, Taiwan.
(b) Department of Anesthesiology, E-Da Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-57275-9

Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024

Exploring personalized treatment for cardiac graft rejection based on a four-archetype analysis model and bioinformatics analysis.

Exploring personalized treatment for cardiac graft rejection based on a four-archetype analysis model and bioinformatics analysis.

Fuente:Scientific Reports

Extracto: Our results showed that heart transplant rejection subtypes can be accurately diagnosed by detecting expression of the corresponding specific genes, thereby enabling precise treatment or medication.

Claves:Cardiac graft rejection, Co-expression network, Endomyocardial biopsies, Immune cell infiltration, Machine learning, Tyrosine kinase inhibitors

Cita:Sci Rep 2024 Mar 19; 14 (1) : 6529.

Autor/es:Shi, Hongjie (a)
Yuan, Ming (b)

institución:(a) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, 169 Donghu Road, Wuhan, 430071, China.
(b) Hubei Provincial Engineering Research Center of Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery, Wuhan, 430071, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-57097-9

BMC anesthesiology
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
BMC anesthesiology

Availability and threshold of the vasoactive-inotropic score for predicting early extubation in adults after rheumatic heart valve surgery

Availability and threshold of the vasoactive-inotropic score for predicting early extubation in adults after rheumatic heart valve surgery

Fuente:Bmc Anesthesiology

Tipo de trabajo:Estudio de cohortes

Extracto: In adults, after elective rheumatic heart valve surgery, the highest VIS in the immediate postoperative period was a good predictive value for EEx, with a threshold of 16.5.

Claves:Cardiopulmonary bypass, Early extubation, Rheumatic, Valve, Vasoactive-inotropic score

Cita:BMC Anesthesiol 2024 Mar 18; 24 (1) : 102.

Autor/es:Zhao, Yang (a)
Zhao, Hanlei (b)

institución:(a) Department of anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, China.
(b) Department of anesthesiology, First Affiliated Hospital of GuangXi Medical University, Nanning, China.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12871-024-02489-7

BMC geriatrics
Selección SIIC: 22 Marzo, 2024
BMC geriatrics

Change in cardiovascular health and rate of cognitive decline in older adults: a 15-year population-based study.

Change in cardiovascular health and rate of cognitive decline in older adults: a 15-year population-based study.

Fuente:Bmc Geriatrics

Extracto: Change in cardiovascular health in old age may lead to accelerated cognitive decline, particularly in late senescence. These results suggest that it is important to monitor and maintain cardiovascular health status in very old adults.

Claves:Aging, Cardiovascular risk factors, Cognition, Epidemiology

Cita:BMC Geriatr 2024 Mar 18; 24 (1) : 263.

Autor/es:Speh, Andreja (a)
Kramberger, Milica G (b)

institución:(a) Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet- Stockholm University, Tomtebodavägen 18A, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden. andreja.speh@ki.se.
(b) Division of Neurogeriatrics, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. andreja.speh@ki.se.

Conflicto:Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés con la investigación

Formato:Informe virtual


País de fuente:Reino Unido

Sitio web:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12877-024-04856-y

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