Tomáš Fait describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo Prospective clinical study in menopausal women The estradiol metered-dose transdermal spray in clinical practice The metered-dose transdermal spray with 1,53 mg estradiol was given to symptomatic menopausal women for 24 weeks. There was a statistically significant drop (p < 0.001) in menopause rating scale (MRS) values. The average MRS values improved by 66.2% between the first and the third visit. The article was published by El artículo fue publicado por
Principal institution where the research took place Institución principal de la investigación ČMAS ČLS JEP, Praha 2, Czecchia, Czech Republic ![]() Authors' Report Crónica del Autor
Estudio Clínico Prospectivo en Mujeres Posmenopáusicas
Bibliographic references Solución para pulverización transdérmica de estradiol en dosis medida en la práctica diaria Se indicó solución para pulverización transdérmica en dosis medida con 1.53 mg de estradiol en mujeres menopáusicas sintomáticas durante 24 semanas. Se registró una disminución significativa de los puntajes en la escala de menopausia (menopause rating scale [MRS], p < 0.001). Los valores promedio en la MRS mejoraron en un 66.2% entre la primera y la tercera visitas. ![]() Crónica del Autor Imprimir nota Referencias bibliográficas Ibrahim SA: Spray-on transdermal drug delivery systems. Expert Opin Drug Delivery 2015, 12(2): 195-205 Derzko C., Sergerie M., Siliman G. et al. Comparative efficacy and safety of oestradiol transdermal preparations for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women: an indirect comparison meta-analysis. Menopause 2016, 23(3):294-303 Morton TL., Gattermeir DJ., Petersen CA. et al.: Steady state pharmacokinetics following application of a novel transdermal oestradiol spray in healthy postmenopausal women. J Clin Pharmacol 2009, 49(9): 1037-46 Acher D.: Menopausal hot flashes are treated effectively by a transdermal, low dose oestradiol spray. Nature Review Endocrinology 2009, 5: 18-9 Buster JE., Koltun WD., Pascual ML. et al.: Low-dose oestradiol spray to treat vasomotor symptoms: a randomize controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2008, 111(6): 1343-51 Other articles written by the author Tomáš Fait Otros artículos de Tomáš Fait Fait T., Vrablik M., Cibula D. et al.: Oral but not Transdermal Estrogen Replacement Therapy Reduced Level of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor: Cross-over Designed Study. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2006, 27(5): 557-61 Fait T., Vrablík M., Zizka Z., Kostirova M.: Changes in Haemostatic Variables Induced by Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Comparison of Transdermal and Oral Methods of Administration in Cross-over Designed Study, Gynecol Obstet Invest 2008, 65(1): 47-51 Fait T.: Combined Hormone Contraceptive Choice Experience in Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Medicine 2011, 6(5): 582-7 ISSN: 1644-3640 IF 0,312 Fait T., Vrablik M.: Coronary heart disease and hormone replacement therapy - from primary and secondary prevention to the window of opportunity. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2012, 33, Suppl. 2: 17-21 ISSN 0172-780X IF 1,296 Fait T., Sailer M., Regidor PA.: Prospective observational study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pollen extract Sérélys® in the management of women with menopausal symptoms. Gynecol Endocrinol 2019, 35(4): 360-3 Fait T., Buryak D., Cîrstoiu M., Luczai E., Janczura R.: Needs and preferences of women users of oral contraceptives in selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Drugs in Context 2018, 7: 2125ID Fait T.: Hormone replacement therapy: latest developments and clinical practice. Drugs in Context 2019, 8: 212551 SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA) / Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)
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Information about the full text Acerca del trabajo completo The use of estradiol metered-dose transdermal spray in clinical practice Author / Autor Tomáš Fait1 1 Assoc. Prof., Md., Phd., Gynecologicko-porodnická Klinika 2. Lf Uk A Fn Motol, Prague, República Checa, Doctor Access to the original source Climacteric URL of Abstract page in Medline: / URL del abstract en Medline: siic DB: / siic DB: |
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