Otros artículos de Vicente Bertomeu Gonzalez
Bertomeu González V, Bodi V, Sanchis J, Núnez J, López Lereu MP, Pena G, Losada A, Gómez C, Chorro FJ, Llacer A. Limitations of myocardial blush grade in the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction and TIMI grade 3 flow. Rev Esp Cardiol 59(6):575-81, 2006.
Sanchis J, Bodi V, Núnez J, Bertomeu González V, Gómez C, Consuegra L, Bosch MJ, Bosch X, Chorro FJ, Llacer A. Usefulness of early exercise testing and clinical risk score for prognostic evaluation in chest pain units without preexisting evidence of myocardial ischemia. Am J Cardiol 97(5):633-5, 2006.
Facila L, Núnez J, Bodi V, Sanchis J, Bertomeu González V, Consuegra L, Pellicer M, Ferrero A, Sanjuan R, Llacer A. Prognostic value of serum creatinine in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. Rev Esp Cardiol 59(3):209-16, 2006.
Sanchis J, Bertomeu González V, Bodi V, Núnez J, Lauwers C, Ruiz Nodar JM, Diez JL, Bertolín V, Casaban E, Navarro A, Frutos A, Carratalá J, Llacer A. Invasive strategy in patients with advanced diabetes and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Angiographic findings and clinical follow-up. PREDICAR study results. Rev Esp Cardiol 59(4):321-8, 2006.
Sanchis J, Bodi V, Núnez J, Bertomeu González V, Gómez C, Bosch MJ, Consuegra L, Bosch X, Chorro FJ, Llacer A. New risk score for patients with acute chest pain, non-ST-segment deviation, and normal troponin concentrations: a comparison with the TIMI risk score. J Am Coll Cardiol 46(3):443-9, 2005.
Facila Rubio L, Núnez Villota J, Bertomeu González V, Sanchis Fores J, Bodi Peris V, Consuegra Sánchez L, Sanjuan Mánez R, Llacer Escorihuela A. Influence of comorbidity on admission management and pharmacological treatment prescribed at discharge in acute myocardial infarction. Med Clin (Barc) 124(12):447-50, 2005.
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31 de octubre, 2006
Descripción aprobada
30 de marzo, 2007
Reedición siicsalud
7 de junio, 2021