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Generar una estrategia didáctica que le permita al estudiante recordar y apropiar los conceptos básicos relacionados con el diagnóstico de la función auditiva desde su nivel básico, para soportar en ellos los conceptos, procesos y abordajes de las pruebas complementarias o avanzadas. Por esta razón esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de la aplicación de un objeto virtual de aprendizaje (OVA) en la percepción de los estudiantes de primer ingreso sobre sus conocimientos en el área de audiología.
María Camila Pinzón Díaz
Columnista Experta de SIIC

Fundación Universitaria Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación

Artículos publicados por María Camila Pinzón Díaz
Jeison Monroy Gómez* 
Biólogo, Fundación Universitaria Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación, Bogotá, Colombia*

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Extensión:  +/-5.94 páginas impresas en papel A4
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Introduction: Audiology is an area of specialization for speech-language pathologists, in charge of studying the auditory and vestibular system. It has been identified that some first-year students in the audiology specialty have a low level of conceptual appropriation in audiology, which hinders the acquisition of audiologist's own competencies. Objective: To describe the changes in the perception of students regarding their level of audiological competence, after implementing a virtual learning object (VLO) in the Specialization in Audiology. Method: Quantitative research with descriptive approach was carried out, in which first year students participated, this research was divided into 3 stages, diagnosis of the level of perception of competences, design and implementation of the VLO and evaluation of the post-implementation perception. The data were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: The results show that in most of the participants the perception after the implementation of the VLO improved with respect to the competences in pathophysiological fundamentals of the auditory function; the relation of the diagnosis of hearing disorders with the diagnostic tests applied; the use of technology for diagnostic processes and procedures; and the relation between the relevance of the tests for the elaboration of auditory diagnoses. Conclusions: Changes in perception associated with VLO implementation have shown significant effects. Technological immersion is a line that should be worked on in the curricular evaluation processes of audiology training programs.

Key words
audiology, competency-based education, professional training, virtual learning object, perception

Clasificación en siicsalud
Artículos originales > Expertos de Iberoamérica >

Principal: Educación Médica, Otorrinolaringología
Relacionadas: Fonoaudiología, Salud Pública

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Extensión: 5.94 páginas impresas en papel A4

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Enviar correspondencia a:
María Camila Pinzón Díaz, Fundación Universitaria Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación, Bogotá, Colombia
Bibliografía del artículo
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